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Golden National School, Golden, Cashel

The Easter Bunny Makes a Visit

23rd Mar 2018

We were in for quite a surprise today when we arrived at school to see that the Easter Bunny had visited us! He had been quite the busy bee laying out delicious Easter goodies for all the very good boys and girls in Miss O'Brien's class. He made sure that everybody had there fair share by leaving an Easter basket for each group to collect their goodies in.  Then, as an extra bonus the Easter Bunny left a Golden Egg for one special boy or girl to find! Turns out that Farmer Duck was trying to hatch it! What a silly duck, luckily one of our eagle-eyed Senior Infants spotted it! 

We are exhausted after our busy morning! Luckily we have two weeks to recover. 

Happy Easter to all from,

Miss O'Brien's class